Our Saffron and Its Benefits

Saffron is known for its aroma and beautiful natural red colour. Besides its great taste and colour, saffron is known for its health benefits.

Saffron has a wide variety of health benefits, and it is consumed in traditional medicine as an appetite stimulant for mood elevation and addressing depression. Persians have an expression in their language that links laughter and Saffron together, and it originated in history that consuming saffron in food makes you feel good and laugh.

Historically saffron comes from the Khorasan region in Iran. However, it is now produced in many countries with different qualities. You can purchase saffron produced in Spain, Afghanistan, and Greece. The best quality saffron comes from Ghahestan or Koohestan (mountainside) region. This region is surrounded by desert from the south of Neyshaboor to Sistan and has a semi-arid temperate or mountainous climate, essential in producing the highest quality saffron. Marco Polo, in his travel account, named this city “Tonokayn.” This name combines two large cities of this state, i.e. “Toon” and “Ghayen.”

Ghahestan state was the place of refuge for Zoroastrians, simultaneous with the arrival of Arabs. In the Salijooghian period, it was a place for Esmailieh disciples who constructed strong castles for defence. Gaenat is known for the cultivation of Saffron, and due to its climate, it produces the best and most flavourful saffron in the World.