How To Best Prepare Saffron for Use

Preparation of saffron for use is not hard, if you know how to prepare it, then you can get a better effect in terms of taste and aroma. Here is our recommendation. We prepared this for our restaurants and there are two ways to apply it
Using a teaspoon, put saffron into a mortar. Using a pestle, grind saffron to powder. Bring one tea cup of water to a boil and add the powdered saffron to it. Steer it until it dissolves. You can also do this with butter by melting butter. You can now add this mixture to rice, pasta sauce, chicken or beef stew.
For barbeque, we added the mixture that we prepared with the boiling water to spray bottle and added a bit of grapeseed oil. You can spray this to the chicken or beef barbeque for a fantastic colour and aroma.