Persian Haleem with Cinnamon Powder

A copper pot with a lid and two handles.

 PERSIAN BREAKFAST This is a favorite Persian recipe in Iran. Its made usually using Bulgur, which is a type of quick-forming wheat and can be purchased in Middle Eastern grocery stores. I have used something else as my quick-forming wheat in this recipe, which is easy to find in grocery stores. I also used turkey…

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Persian Saffron Rice Pudding(Sholeh Zard)

Two bowls of rice pudding on a golden tray.

SHOLEH ZARD | PERSIAN SAFFRON RICE PUDDING Cooking Time: 1 hour 30 minutes. Chill Time: 1-2 hoursYield: About eight 6-ounce dessert cups Recipe type: Dessert Cuisine: Persian/Azeri INGREDIENTS INSTRUCTIONS

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About Star Anise

A Green Color Can Of Star Anise Spice

Star anise Vietnam (science name: Illicium verum), called star Aniseed is the fruit of Illicium verum. Vietnam Star aniseed is grown almost exclusively in Lang Son province by farmers from ethnic minority communities in northern highland areas and is traded and consumed globally. Most of Star Anise’s production in the world is used to produce Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) by…

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The Magic of Ceylon Cinnamon

There are four main kinds of cinnamons in the world Saigon, Cassia, Korintje and Ceylon. Ceylon cinnamon is known as a spice for its ultra-low levels of Coumarin. If you are taking Cinnamon for health reasons, then you must and should switch to Ceylon Cinnamon. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) established a tolerable daily…

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Our Saffron and Its Benefits

Two glasses of saffron milk with spices on a table.

Saffron is known for its aroma and beautiful natural red colour. Besides its great taste and colour, saffron is known for its health benefits. Saffron has a wide variety of health benefits, and it is consumed in traditional medicine as an appetite stimulant for mood elevation and addressing depression. Persians have an expression in their…

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Rajapuri from Maharashtra India

A Bowl Of Turmeric Image In Color in a Temple

Rajapuri TurmericMaharashtra is a state in the western and central peninsular region of India occupying a substantial portion of the Deccan Plateau and it is known for its best turmeric quality in India and one of the finest in the world. The Rajapuri turmeric is grown especially in and around Sangli area. Rajapuri Turmeric is the most premium quality Turmeric…

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Bouillabaisse Marseillaise

A paella with seafood and orange slices.

For the Broth: 1/2 cup (120ml) extra-virgin olive oil  1 large yellow onion (12 ounces; 340g), diced 1 large leek (1 pound; 450g), washed of any grit and diced 1 medium fennel bulb (8 ounces; 225g), cored and diced 5 medium cloves garlic, crushed 1/2 teaspoon fennel seeds 2 large pinches Pure Persian Red saffron threads around 1g One (2-inch) strip zest from 1 orange Large pinch cayenne pepper or other red chili powder 2 sprigs thyme 2 tablespoons (30ml) tomato paste…

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A plate of Uzbek pilaf with meat and vegetables.

Zereshk Polo ba Morgh or Saffron Barberry Rice with Saffron Chicken with tomato sauce is one of the most famous dishes in Persian cuisine. It is full of wonderful flavours such as saffron, turmeric and barberry and is easier than it looks to make. I usually make this during my hour lunch breaks when working…

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